Here, we visualize the performance of three runtimes: PyTorch, our custom-built tinyRuntime (both non-quantized and quantized versions), using the ResNet18 model and 100 images from the Imagenette dataset. We focus on four key metrics: accuracy, execution time, model size and memory usage.
import pandas as pdimport plotly.graph_objects as gofrom plotly.subplots import make_subplotsfrom IPython.display import displaydef split_dataframe(df):'''Split dataframe based on Runtime (Pytorch, tinyRuntime (no quant) and tinyRuntime (quant).''' df_pytorch = df[df["Runtime"] =="PyTorch"] df_trv = df[(df["Runtime"] =="tinyRuntime") & (df["Quantization"] ==False)] df_trq = df[(df["Runtime"] =="tinyRuntime") & (df["Quantization"] ==True)]return df_pytorch, df_trv, df_trqdef plot_perf_comp(df, save_image=False):'''Plot latest performance comparisons using Plotly.''' dfs = split_dataframe(df)# Create subplots using Plotly Figure Factory fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=2, subplot_titles=("Accuracy", "Time", "Max memory usage", "Model size")) metrics = ["Accuracy", "Time", "Max memory", "Model size"] colors = ['rgba(31, 119, 180, 0.8)', 'rgba(255, 127, 14, 0.8)', 'rgba(44, 160, 44, 0.8)'] names = ["PyTorch", "tinyRuntime (no quant)", "tinyRuntime (quant)"]for i, metric inenumerate(metrics):# Retrieve values for each metric y_values = [df[metric].values[-1] for df in dfs]# Add trace for each runtimefor j, name inenumerate(names): trace = go.Bar(x=[name], y=[y_values[j]], marker_color=colors[j], showlegend=(i ==0), name=name) fig.add_trace(trace, row=i //2+1, col=i %2+1)# Set layout, background color and font size, and disable legend click feature fig.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", y=1.1, xanchor="right", x=1), template="plotly_dark", legend_itemclick=False, legend_itemdoubleclick=False, font=dict(size=14), margin=dict(t=90, b=60, l=80, r=50))# Update axis labels fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Accuracy (%)", row=1, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Time (s)", row=1, col=2) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Max memory usage (MB)", row=2, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Model size (MB)", row=2, col=2) fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=False)# Show the plot with modebar hidden{'displayModeBar': False})if save_image: fig.write_image("images/perf_bar.png")# Create DataFrame data = {"Accuracy (%)": [df["Accuracy"].values[-1] for df in dfs],"Time (s)": [df["Time"].values[-1] for df in dfs],"Max memory usage (MB)": [df["Max memory"].values[-1] for df in dfs],"Model size (MB)": [df["Model size"].values[-1] for df in dfs] } df_results = pd.DataFrame(data, index=["PyTorch", "tinyRuntime (no quant)", "tinyRuntime (quant)"]) display(df_results)df = pd.read_csv('benchmark.csv')df_x86 = df[df["Architecture"] =="x86_64"]plot_perf_comp(df_x86)