Project starting point

This was a successor of the previous software project in Winter. Here are the info:


image-2.png image-3.png image-4.png image-5.png image-6.png image-7.png

Goal for summer 2023 project

Right now there’s no clear boundary between UI and its backend. We want to make them separted. The current Streamlit UI should be a pure frontend. The backend logic should be a REST backend server (e.g. fast API) Finall we want a CLI tool to control in additon to the current UI. A CLI tool should do the exact same things as the UI does right now.

$ tmlaas device list
<list device name>
$ tmlaas model list
<list device name>
$ tmlass device=<device id> install model=<model id>

You may want to refer to this project as CLI example,

Development environment



  • Who’s SCRUM master for Sprint1?
  • Sprint1 (Week20)
    • Initial research of this project by Students
  • Sprint1 review & planning at 10:00AM 22nd May
    • Review WoW proposal from students
    • Q&A for a client
    • Prioritize user story?
  • Which Kanban board to share with customer?