Arduino sketch

This is a arduino sktech for image recognition with the help of machine learning. It has been designed to be used on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE with the OV7675 camera module.

At the moment, it can be used for binary detection, for example weather there is a person in the picture.


This sketch depends on Tensorflow lite for microcontrollers.

Installing sktech to microcontoller


First, install the required Arduino tflite library. On linux, this is typically in ~/Arduino/libraries, on MacOS in ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries and on Windows in My Documents\Arduino\Libraries.

Once in this directory, download the library with

git clone Arduino_TensorFlowLite

Now you can continue to installation. First, install the core library for the used arduino board.

arduino-cli core install arduino:mbed_nano

Next, compile the sketch.

arduino-cli compile --fqbn arduino:mbed_nano:nano33ble template/

Finally, install it to the device. For this, the port to which the device is connected to is required. This can be found with

arduino-cli board list

Check the name of the port, for example /dev/ttyACM0. Now, install the sketch with

arduino-cli upload -p <device_port> --fqbn arduino:mbed_nano:nano33ble template/


There is a provided Dockerfile which can make the installation a lot easier.

First, build the image with docker. You can give it any other tag, but this example will name it arduino.

docker build -t arduino .

The image will contain the compiled sketch and will have arduino-cli as its entry point. Now, just install it with

docker run arduino upload -p <device_port> --fqbn arduino_mbed_nano:nano33ble template

Again, if you dont no what port the device is connected to, you can use the image to find that.

docker run arduino board list

Changing the model

In order to use your own tensorflow model, replace the target_model.cpp with your own model. This is a C array generated from the wanted model. To generate the C array from a tflite model, xxd can be used:

xxd -i <your_tflite_model> >

Then, replace the the old file with this new generated file.

Renaming the model

If you want to rename the model, you need to also change the name of the models header file target_model.h to the same name and change the headerfile name in template.ino.

:warning: NOTE! Be careful when renaming the model. For some models the model can not be named something that starts with the word model. For this reason, it is adviced to always name the C-array file so that it does not start with model. ⚠️